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How to start with Ubigi?

Install your FREE
Ubigi eSIM

In a few clicks from our
Ubigi app or with a QR code.
As you like!

your account

Only 5 fields
to fill out.
We promise!

a data plan

National or Regional coverage
One-off or recurring.
We cover all your needs!

eSIM data plans: top up your mobile in minutes

When your current mobile plan runs out, get an eSIM plan for mobile data and keep your number for calls and texts. Both plans can work at the same time. So anyone can reach you and you save money on data.

Connect your other eSIM devices easily

Do you want to equip another eSIM-compatible mobile device (connected watch, tablet, laptop) with a temporary or recurring plan? No physical SIM card required. The activation of Ubigi, as well as the purchase of the package, is done online. You are connected in a few minutes!

Boost your game with Ubigi connectivity

Do you like to play online anytime? You need a fast and reliable connection. Take an eSIM data package to enjoy your most gigabyte-intensive games while moving freely.

To get started,
download and install
your FREE profile

Find the right eSIM data plan for you

Ubigi offers a large range of one-off or recurring data plans in 200+ destinations.

National or regional

One-off, monthly or
annual data plans

Available in: USD,

Why Ubigi international eSIM is so great?


No more swapping physical SIM cards when you travel! No more logistic hassle.


Once your eSIM profile installed on your device, always available and ready to use.

More secure

Safer than public Wi-Fi hotspots at airports, coffee shops or hotels. Encrypted data connection.

Better for the planet

Fewer plastic SIM cards manufactured, kinder to the environment.


Worldwide high-quality cellular connectivity in 200+ destinations.


Up to 90% cheaper than roaming fees with your home‑based carrier.


A large range of prepaid data plans for everyone’s needs. As‑you‑go top‑ups.


Easy personal account management with the intuitive Ubigi selfcare app.

What our customers are saying

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