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Make events unforgettable
with Ubigi connectivity

Sell ​​eSIM mobile data plans to visiting fans so they don’t pay
roaming charges and get recurring revenue.
Provide staff with affordable cellular connectivity anywhere
in the world and save on roaming charges.
Offer visiting foreign attendees dedicated cellular connectivity
as a value-added service to enhance their experience.

Ubigi eSIM data plans:
worldwide Plug & Play Internet connectivity


Worldwide high-quality
cellular connectivity in 190+ destinations.


No more swapping physical SIM cards when
you travel! No more logistic hassle.

More secure

Safer than public Wi-Fi hotspots at airports,
coffee shops or hotels. Encrypted data connection.


Up to 90% cheaper than roaming fees
with you home-based carrier.

An immersive experience
for your audience

All fans and spectators want to connect to the Internet to share the thrills of the most intense and exciting moments! By selling local or regional data plans, not only do attendees save on roaming charges, but you get a markup on the initial sale of the data plan as well as recurring revenue from subsequent top-ups. It’s a win/win!

Seamless connectivity,
better productivity

Empower your employees with immediate, secure and reliable connectivity for all their eSIM/SIM devices at close-to-local rates:

Always connected!

From training to sharing their performance, athletes and artists need premium connectivity. Sponsor your guests’ internet connectivity to make their stay enjoyable and hassle-free.

Interested in Ubigi Connectivity for your event?
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