When purchasing an eSIM profile with a preloaded data plan on the Ubigi website, you can choose the currency in which you want to pay (Euro, US-dollar, Japanese Yen).
However, when you create your Ubigi account, the currency is applied automatically and it depends on the country of residence you have selected:
– If you selected a country of the EURO zone, the currency EURO (€) will be applied to all your purchases from your Ubigi account
– If you selected Japan, the currency JPY (Japanese Yen – ¥ ) will be applied to all your purchases from your Ubigi account
– If you selected another country beside Japan and countries of the EURO zone, the US-dollar ($) will be applied
If you selected the currency US-dollar for your first Ubigi purchase, but then created your Ubigi account with for instance France as country of residence, the currency EURO (€) will be applied for your future purchases on your Ubigi account.