Ubigi offers local data plans that you can use for UK (United Kingdom).
To discover all available data plans for UK (United Kingdom), please visit our Data Plans and Coverage Page. We are always improving our product catalogue and you will find our newest and most current offers for UK (United Kingdom) on this page.
If you already have a Ubigi account, you can also find the latest offers on your account by connecting from the Ubigi app or by visiting https://ubigi.me.
You may find that for some countries, more than one data plan is available for you to choose. The data allowance and/or validity varies depending on the data plan so that you can choose the option that suits best your needs and preferences.
💡 TIP: If you are travelling to other countries in the same region, consider purchasing a continental bundle which covers several destinations with just one data plan purchase. Check out our Data Plans and Coverage Page as Ubigi has service over 190 destinations around the globe!